
The Warrior

Her helmet, a squelettal head,
Adorns her brows and forehead.
Her eyes, oh her eyes, windows
To her hardened soul, throws
A challenge to her opponent
To stand down, die, or be subservient.

Her breathtaking beauty will tempt,
But it’s feared as it’s a construct
For those who oppose her will.
Her lithe, seductively attired body is full
Of pernicious intent teetering
On the precipice of justice’s peppering.

Her darkened eyes, bright with
Evil’s pretensions seeping bliss
In veins dripping toxic poisons
That leek from lush, glistening roses
That spew hatred and dissention
That needs to be dismantled in provision

For the lives that are destroyed by
Her delicate sword wielding hands that fly.

©️ Malak kalmoni chehab ©️

Autor of poetry book, Perfectly Flawed.


Flickering Flame Fly

‘Three things can never be taken back: a word
That’s spoken, an arrow speeding away from
its bowstring, and time that lapses.’*

As I look upon the candle flame,
Flame, I let reality drift into memories,
Memories good and bad alike, linger,
Linger with emotions that stomp.

Stomp out the flickering negativity,
Negativity, that drives you into a chasm,
Chasm, that festers in agony,
Agony of disappointment and betrayal.

Betrayal wrapped in honeyed words,
Words you can’t take back, flay,
Flay you open in twain. Obscuring,
Obscuring your light from shining,

Shining brighter than perfidy.
Perfidy of a stabbing arrow,
Arrow that starts feuds, wars,
Wars that bring death and destruction,

Destruction of lives, property, livelihoods,
Livelihoods that bring families, friends,
Friends and community to a stand-still.
Still that wee flame ignites passions, faith,

Faith that overcome the lapse,
Lapse of time, that flows like the sea,
Sea of time, that drowns each moment,
Moment in a flood that can’t be touched.

Let the flirting flame engulf your heart,
Heart with its heat and adulation to optimism.

*An Arabic saying, translated by the author inspired this poem, as well as the picture.


Honorable Mention

Picture poetry contest on ‘The Writer’s Wave’ on Facebook. The poem ‘Haloed Memories ‘, from my poetry, Perfectly Flawed: poetry for change. Much appreciated!