
Stuffed grape vine

What’s your favorite recipe?

This very lebanese recipe comes in both a vegetarian and meat variation. I love both, really, but the ones that trigger love, family, and feasting on religious holidays, is the meat version. That one is made with lamb shoulder as a base, with the grape leaves stuffed with rice and ground beef, some top it with stuffed zucchini, but in our home it was just the meat and grape leaves. They are left to Simmer for about 12 hours so that the meat falls off the bones, the leaves become paper thin-easy to digest, and the rice absorbed all the flavors. We’d usually eat it with pita bread, fresh mint leaves, and green onions.

The smell of it cooking throws me back to my childhood, when I first got married, gatherings, and just happy times.

Poet, author of Perfectly Flawed: poetry for change.


Happy Eid!